Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Her name is Field

We found out from a friend the name of our favorite librarian.
Her name is Field.
It's perfect. Wylie actually thought it was cool.

She is everything a librarian should be and the inspiration for Wylie.
She has long flowing hair that is curly and dark brown. She is slightly overweight but wears beautiful long skirts and long sleeved boat neck shirts and sweaters. Her voice is quiet but firm. You know when she laughs her whole face is part of that laugh. The kind that invites you to join.

She listens. She waits. She teaches. She does not judge. She remembers.
She encourages questions.
She smiles when questions are asked too loudly, too excitedly, and when asked repeatedly. Her instructions of quiet are not stern and punishing. They are explanatory and calm.

Field remembers each and every book that Wylie has read. She remembers his favorites. She tries to find new ones.
Field knows that while picture and first reader books are fun, Wylie wants the good stuff. He wants the information and long stories. She knows that if it's a good mix of diagrams, photos and story Wylie will eat it up.

The worst part...
She's on medical leave. We don't know when and if she is coming back.
There is no substitute.

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