Tuesday, November 30, 2010

10 Fictional Characters

I was tagged to come up with 15 fictional characters who have had a great influence on my life. It was tough to really pull the 10 that I think were most influential. In general there are so many who have helped shaped me and my thoughts that I would need to say any book or character I encountered. However, I wouldn't have encountered any of these without the ability to read or the ability to go to my local library. I've noted the books in which I found the characters.

  1. Claudia (From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler)--The girl ran away to the metropolitan museum of art and figured out how to stay there!
  2. Sam Gribley (My Side of the Mountain) --A boy moves to the forest and lives in a tree off the land for 1 year. He survives.
  3. Jane Eyre (Jane Eyre)--She stands up for herself and then finds happiness where she least expected it.
  4. Dominique Francon (The Fountainhead)--She remains with me to this day. Something about how she handled herself.
  5. Brett (The Sun Also Rises)--Confidence
  6. Atticus Finch (To Kill a Mockingbird)-Strength of faith and belief in all things being good.
  7. James Qwilleran (The Cat Who Series)-writer, animal lover, mystery solver, living in a barn.
  8. Rebecca Sharp (Vanity Fair)--Reminder that climbing socially isn't everything and ultimately doesn't make you a better person.
  9. Jo March (Little Women)-She just stayed true to herself. It wasn't perfect and pretty just who she was for better or worse.
  10. Babar (The Babar Series)--he had friends in high and low places. He had the ability to think clearly, he opened a museum!


DrMarte said...

You have challenged me! Though I will have to think about it, long and hard.

DrMarte said...

But I will say that #1 on my list has to be Charlotte from Charlotte's Web. She literally influenced me since my grandmother gave me a first edition when I was but a wee girl.